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Tarot Forecast - December 2020

  Just one more month and we will soon welcome the new year. As we usher into the new beginning, it is important to not forget the lessons learned in 2020. Read on to know what #December2020 has in store for you. These Tarot readings are based on #sunsigns .  December 2020 It feels like we were waiting for this, the end of the year 2020. Overall the last month of the year will put us in a slowed down phase. There will be plans but less action or implementation. People may postpone new initiatives. However, there will be some emotional disturbances resulting in blocked creativity. It is important not to run away from the core of who we are. Moving into the new year, we have to remember the lessons learned in 2020, and taking along the learning with us.   Tarot Card Readings help us understand what lies ahead and find solutions if required. Read along to know what the month of December 2020 holds for you with Tarot Prediction. These are general predictions based on...

Tarot Predictions - November 2020

  Two more months and we will be stepping into 2021!  Tarot Card Readings help us understand what lies ahead and find solutions if required. Read along to know what the month of November 2020 holds for you with Tarot Prediction. These are general predictions based on Sun Signs.    If it is your birthday in November Happy Birthday!  This (birthday) year, Tarot suggests keeping a tab on your overspending and excessive indulgence. Also, keep a check on health issues, especially related to lifestyle disorders.

The Firekeepers of Jwalapuram (Book Review)

Image Credit Book: The Firekeepers of Jwalapuram: Book 2 of The Kishkindha Chronicles Author : Vamsee Juluri Publication : Westland            The Firekeepers of Jwalapuram is the second book in the Kishkindha Chronicles (trilogy). It is a sequel to Saraswati's Intelligence , authored by Vamsee Juluri. The first book showed Hanuman in a completely different light, and this book takes the story forward.     The previous book dealt with Hanuman’s journey to protect the dharma and this story takes this journey further. This book deals with Mother nature’s fury, something very relevant to our times, isn’t it? The way the story is worked out in this book is not very different from what we are perhaps experiencing in our times as well. Other issues like those of migrants, missing children, endangered planet, among others are very well relevant in today’s times.

Tarot Predictions - October 2020

Hello, Since centuries, Tarot Card Readings has helped mankind to foresee what lies ahead and find solutions for their problems. Come and join me at my Tarot Table. Read on to know what the month of O ctober 2020 holds for you, with Tarot Prediction. These are general predictions based on Sun Signs. Image Source Aries (21st March - 20th April) You have been working hard on something and you are probably closer to your goals. However, the Tarot says, don’t give up, keep working on it. the competition might only get stronger but continue to move in that direction. Tarot Tip: Stay disciplined. Take charge of the task you are working on. Take advice from your father in money matters. Good time to invest.   Taurus (21st April- 21st May) You may have to take an important decision this month related to legal matters or perhaps one of your parents. Stay unbiased. Straight forward communication is required. You may be able to think clearly. Tarot Tip:   Time to collate and...

Author of the Weekend - Dr. Harshali Singh

Dr. Harshali Singh is a New Delhi based Member of the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum- BYPL, a former member at the Consumer District Redressal Forum, an Author, a Poet, an academician, a teacher trainer, an Occupational Therapist, an avid reader and a passionate Painter. She has written in several literary genres ranging from poetry to fiction, columns to essays. She is the contributing author in several anthologies and regularly writes for e-magazines. She is the author of the Haveli Series and is currently working on the third book in the nine-book series and one of the Write India- Season 2 winners. She believes that her role as a Member Judge in the consumer forum, a mentor and a teacher trainer her a wide arena from where to draw insights and understand people better while continuously broadening her own acumen and perception. Painting is another way that she finds inspiration. She has chaired discussions with eminent personalities in their chosen fields of World Peace, ...

Lockdown Stories - Anugya Sinha

Hello guys, I am very happy to share this with you! Finally, one more step towards my dream! I have self-published my first book on (3) short stories - 'Lockdown Stories'. With this book, I have attempted to capture the perspective and experiences of a 20-something PR professional, a working mother/wife and a doctor, during the lockdown phase. Do buy the ebook and would love to get feedback from you 😁😁 . Here is the link: Cover designed by Varun N Rao

Faith And The Beloved (Book Review)

Book: Faith And The Beloved (Kindle Edition) Author : Kochery C Shibu Faith And The Beloved authored by Kochery C Shibu is a thriller that intends to weave a complex story with many key characters. The book begins with a good hook when, Alice, one of the key characters,  murders Tony after a good sex session with him. Turns out Tony was her stepfather, who also attempted to kill his wife (and Alice’s mother). This got me interested in the story.   As we move further, we see there many key characters and their parallel stories running around. Prem, for example, another key character, who is on his way to take revenge from his brother's killer. Then there's Naithy, Alice's mother.          

Indogene: Stories of Indians Across the Globe (Book Review)

Book : Indogene: Stories of Indians Across the Globe Kindle Edition Author : Sriram Devatha   Publication : Klang Sound Solutions         Indogene! You read the title of the book and look at the cover image and you know what to expect in the pages you flip thereafter. Authored by Sriram Devatha, Indogene is an anthology of 10 short stories of Indians settled abroad spread across different countries and different periods.   The first thing I noticed is that the author’s writing style is very lucid. The flow of the stories is engaging. I especially liked how he has described the reactions to inanimate things for an example "keys chimed back in return". 

Ready, But Equipped To Help?

Picture Source It hurts right, reading about an unexpected death? Even more when the death of the person is suicide because of depression…gets worse when it is someone who you thought had everything sorted in life… a life you could only dream of. Did you feel lucky, for you may not be going through such trauma to take your own life? Sorry I know that’s a harsh one. But (at the risk of being named as heartless) I do feel fortunate that I have people around me who I can trust would listen to me, whether or not they can provide any solution. Yes, there are many of us who share posts and messages, saying “we are here to listen, please come and talk to us if you need.” But really is that enough? Though we are all here to help, willingly, but are we all equipped enough?

Unfulfilled Desires (Book Review)

Book : Unfulfilled Desires Kindle Edition Author : Rachi Publication : Half Baked Beans One look at the cover and you know that this book is about love story and romance; and you won’t be disappointed by picking up the book for that reason. The plot revolves around different colours of love, in this book Unfulfilled Desires authored by Rachi and published by Half Baked Beans (HBB).   The protagonist Avantika is reluctant to get into a relationship because of her scepticism in the same. she witnessed a tragic incident in her college days and hence she could not commit to anyone into a relationship. Walks in not 1 or 2 but 3 men who are potential partners for Avantika. However, her quest for understanding ‘what is love’ continues. The three men have different answers to her question ‘what is love for you?’ none of them seems to convince Avantika.

Why Do I Love You?

Ever wondered, why do we love the one we do? 'Why do I love you?' I am sure many people, who have ever been in a relationship would have got this thought. It could be for different reasons. But when I think (to myself) that ‘why do I love you?’ or ‘why am I still in love with you?’ I (my heart) feel the need to answer myself (my brain) with a logical and practical reason.  Image clicked by Kishor HS.

Stories We Never Tell (Review)

Yakshini (Book Review)

Book : Yakshini  Author : Neil D’Silva Publication:  Rupa Publications Fiction – the best part about fiction is that it sets your imagination free. The writer of fiction can expand his/ her limits to infinity. Something similar is what I experienced with Yakshini, authored by Neil D’Silva and published by Rupa Publications. The plot is set in the late ’90s and early 2000. The story is about a simple village, Meenakshi, who turns out to be a seductress, unknowingly and unintentionally, which later puts her into problems. It is only later that she learns that in her body lives another creature called Yakshini, owing to a curse.

An Easy Read (Book Review)

Book : 13 Unusual Short Stories Author : Brendon Faife Publication: Kindle edition An anthology is a blend of so many characters, genres, and thoughts. Brendon’s book – '13 Unusual Short Stories' is one such amalgamation of various streaks of thoughts. This book is available in the online (Kindle) format. Grandma’s Touch will take you down the memory lane, but it ends on a jerking twist. The Call-Centre is a good piece that will surprise you towards the end. The Hearing Aid is a novel concept, that I have come across in this book.   

Are We Ready To Give Back What We Have Snatched

Is this World War 3? Nature has waged a war against the human race. Well, why not? We - Humans, the supreme beings (or so we thought) stopped considering any other living species equivalent to us. We burnt their houses, captured their homes, shoved them away from their own habitat, killed them for fun and ' experientials '. All this, while not knowing that they may have the power to get back at us. It seems, now they have, all of them got together and sought help from the Mother Nature, against us. And guess what, she agreed to help them. As a result, we humans are now pushed back to the confined gates of our houses, trapped within four walls, with our mouths shut beneath masks. It is a war, and this time not amongst countries, or with terrorists, but the nature against us. But come on, do we ever learn. This is not the first, one of the scariest, but certainly not the first. We were given many hints earlier in the forms of floods, flu, epidemics, famine, earthquake...

From ‘ASL Pls’ To Emoji’s

I don’t get tired; no really, I do not get tired or bored at all narrating our story to anyone. Infact every new person I meet, I try to grab this opportunity to talk about us – You and I!   And I surprise myself when I realise that I still remember it all so well. Every single detail of 4 years of friendship, 4 years of long-distance relationship, and 7 years of being married. Well, can’t really say that about the last 7 years :P, but the first 8 years are like embedded in my DNA. Pic clicked by Sudipto Roy I think our story is unique. It’s beautiful. Just 15 years old but so much has changed in this one and half-decade. Or not much?