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Tarot Predictions - October 2020


Since centuries, Tarot Card Readings has helped mankind to foresee what lies ahead and find solutions for their problems. Come and join me at my Tarot Table. Read on to know what the month of October 2020 holds for you, with Tarot Prediction. These are general predictions based on Sun Signs.

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Aries (21st March - 20th April)

You have been working hard on something and you are probably closer to your goals. However, the Tarot says, don’t give up, keep working on it. the competition might only get stronger but continue to move in that direction.

Tarot Tip: Stay disciplined. Take charge of the task you are working on. Take advice from your father in money matters. Good time to invest. 

Taurus (21st April- 21st May)

You may have to take an important decision this month related to legal matters or perhaps one of your parents. Stay unbiased. Straight forward communication is required. You may be able to think clearly.

Tarot Tip: Time to collate and consolidate all that’s happened in the past. Wrap up things quickly, don’t delay unnecessarily. An added responsivity coming your way.  



Gemini (22nd May - 21st June)

This month you may see that things will catch up speed. It may all move very quick, quick thinking is required. You may be doing this for the first time, hence feeling a little worried is typical. But it may all be safe, secured and guarded.   

Tarot Tip Ensure everything is in place and speedily movements don’t make you tumble down or fall. Something unlikely could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. A word of caution - fear of accidents by fire or heights are depicted.  


Cancer (22nd June - 22nd July) 

You may have to strengthen your foot (stand) at the place of work, more challenges coming your way. However, this may not be very difficult to manage, if you stay determined.

Tarot Tip You may need to master new skills, perhaps do some courses, especially to make more money. Time to think is over, get back to the action!


Leo (23rd July - 22nd August)

This seems to be a good month for work or business. Look forward and keep working, but don’t forget to express your gratitude to those who have helped you in your journey.

Tarot Tip Life lessons are important to remember and also those who taught you the same. don’t keep things to yourself, talk to people. You may have a little worry about the health of a senior family member.  


Virgo (23rd August - 22nd September)

You seem to be in a happy space. You may have everything that you need and more (materialistic pleasures). You may even be planning for more expenses or vacations. You may spend time with pets or loved ones.  

Tarot TipI hate to say this to you, but plan your expenses well. Probably looking for a good time, stability is what you need right now. A need to avoid overspending is depicted and save some for rainy days. 


Libra (23rd September - 22nd October)

This month, you may be able to see clearly, who your real friends are and who are not. Don't let people take you for granted. Value your own self. It could be an emotionally draining month, which may affect your physical health also.

Tarot TipStop! Time to leave the party now. Go home and take some rest! Your mind and body need some alone time and good rest. 


Scorpio (23rd October- 22nd November)

Cards depict new beginnings in areas of work, business, or property. You may be inspired this month to achieve new heights. You may have to take important decisions, especially related to the growth path. Take your time, but decide.    

Tarot Tip Analyse all factors well, but you may have to make quick decisions at the end if you procrastinate. Get legal checks done, if starting with something new.


Sagittarius (23rd November - 21st December)

Your creativity may be at its best, probably something to do with kids. Stay humble, help kids, or those younger ones. This may be a calm period for you and you may feel emotionally stable. Things and people, you love might keep you busy. 

Tarot Tip Spend quality time with parents. It is good to be emotional, at times, but having control over your emotions is important. Trying out something new? Test the waters before getting into it.


Capricorn (22nd December - 20th January)

You may be looking at things from a new perspective; new ideas and new ways of communication are depicted in the cards. New beginnings coming your way, but keep your eyes and ears open. You may be in a happy and optimistic mood. 

Tarot Tip Good time to start a new business or assignment. Your potential is only limitless. Take it slow.


Aquarius (21st January - 18th February)

This month, you may experience hurt and heartbreak and possibly be emotionally broken. Matters of the mind often hurts the heart. Be careful in all dealings and decisions. 

Tarot Tip:  A younger sibling could come to aid and be of help in recuperating. Emotional healing is required. Give it some time. Restart, prepare for new beginnings and work towards it.  


Pisces (19th February - 20th March)

Emotionally, it’s a balanced period. Stay alert. You may experience connections developing with your father.  

Tarot Tip:  Everything you need in life is available on your table. Make the most of your experiences and those of others. All these experiences and knowledge are your superpowers and possibilities are infinite! Also, take care of your stomach health.   


Drop a mail to connect with me for personal Tarot readings at


Have a good month ahead!




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