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Showing posts from 2021

Redeem Relationships, Not Ego

सच कहते हैं लोग, life का कोई भरोसा नहीं, कभी भी कुछ भी हो सकता हैं. Especially, पिछले २ सालों ने तो यहीं सीखा हैं. इतना तो समज में आगया हैं की, nothing is permanent and nothing stays forever. Actually ना today, I am gonna be a little upfront in my conversation.  Just Imagine this - आज हम किसी के साथ बैठे हैं, हस - खेल के बातें कर रहे हैं and suddenly that person just vanishes… and हम उसी जगह पर बैठें हैं, अकेले... shocked and wondering वह कहाँ चलें गए, अभी तो बातें पुरी भी नहीं हुई थीं. 

What Are Your Superpowers?

Image source Yes, you heard that right? What are your superpowers? Now don’t think of Iron man, or Wolverine, or Thor and Jean Grey. I am asking about the real-life superpowers that exist very much in common people like you and me. Got you thinking, right?   Let me clarify with an example. बचपन में मैंने काई बार माँ को बिना चिमटे के stove पर रोटी फूलाते देखा था . मुझे लगता था she is fire-proof… Hahaha. But as I grew up, I realized her superpower is not being fire-proof, but the warmth that exudes from her. Every day when I used to reach home in the evening after a long day of work and travel, she would open the door for me and welcome me home with her warm and comforting smile. मेरा सारा stress दरवाजे के बहार ही निकल जाता था .   Happens right, some people have that effect on you and you too have such an effect on others. Now that is what I would call a Superpower’.     

That झूला In My Balcony

There’s a single-seater white झूला occupying the space in my house balcony (yes,  my house has  balconies.  Not one but two! ). I have always loved the thought of having a झूला in a balcony or a veranda in a house. It has been one of my most desired things on the list of home décor, or essentials, actually. This झूला bought on amazon made with wood and the white rope is very special to me; it’s like what I would call “my space”. I can sit on it for hours together doing things that like (reading, surfing, chatting, listening to music) or just not doing anything. Simply staring at the horizon. Mostly, I sit on it thinking of everything that is possible – the past, present, and future. It is very relaxing and calming, you see, just sitting there with a cup of morning tea or evening coffee.   

Life के Crossroads

Image Source Sometimes in life, we are back to that same phase, from where we had started the journey. Back to that familiar crossroads, stranded and just wondering which way to go, which direction to choose... this time. Does this ever happen to you?   Every time we reach a new milestone in life, we believe that this is it, ‘ लाइफ तो सेट है अब ’ , ‘ सेटल हो गए '.   अब तो इसी डायरेक्शन में आगे बढ़ते जाना है . अब जो भी सपने  Bucketlist  में हैं , सब पूरी कर लेंगे … .  

The Mahabharat that would leave you Satisfied

'The kind of Mahabharat I would have wanted to read and know of, in which people are allowed to make their own choices and lead lives fulfilling their simple wishes.' - this was my first thought the moment I finished reading ' The Misters Kuru  authored by  Trisha Das and published by Harper Collins . The Misters Kuru is an interesting twist in the age-old saga, in which we see the Pandavas, Draupadi, Kunti, and Narad muni in the mortal, modern-world setting. 

तुम्हारी हँसी (Tumhari Hansi)

Image Source  हाँ, हम रोज़ मिलते हैं, बातें भी रोज़ होती हैं, कुछ तुम्हारी, कुछ मेरी, इधर उधर की, ढेर सारी चाय की वह दो प्यालियाँ भी हमारे खिस्से सुनते-सुनते खाली हो जाती हैं. वैसे ये तो हर रोज़ की बात हैं, हमेशा से यहीं होता आ रहा हैं, पर अब कुछ कमी सी लगती हैं, कुछ तो हैं जो अधूरा हैं तुम पहले भी ज्यादा बोलती थी, अब भी बोलती हो, पर कुछ कहती नहीं हो, कुछ तो हैं जो कहती नहीं हो. तुम अब भी मुस्कुराती बहुत हो, पर हस्ती नहीं हो. हँसी अगर आ भी जाये, तो होटों को छू कर चली जाती हैं, कभी आँखो तक नहीं पहुँचती.   मेरी एक सलाह मानो, तो कभी खुल के बात करना, मुझसे न कर सको तो, तो खुद से ही करना। जरूरी हैं.   तुम शायद भीड़ में उन बातों को भुला देना चाहती हो, पर अकेलेपन में वहीँ बातें फिर बहार आना चाहती होंगी. कभी कभी भीड़ से ज्यादा अकेलेपन सच्चा साथी होता हैं. अकेलेपन से दोस्ती कर के देखो, उन् सारी बातों को बहार निकाल के देखों शायद तुम्हारी पुरनी वाली बेबाक हंसी भी फिर बहार आजाए.     

Book Review: Suryavamsha

Book: Suryavamsha: The Noble Kings of Ancient India Author: Manjunath Dattatreya  Publication: Notion Press Mythology, I believe, encourages us to question, reason, comprehend the metaphors, go deep into philosophies and develop our own understanding of it. Suryavamsha: The Noble Kings of Ancient India , by  author Manjunath Dattatreya  does exactly the same. This book consists of several stories from the solar dynasty in brief snippets. The key essence of these stories is then highlighted. These stories attempt to answer the question of ‘why’. ‘Why or how did that event find a place in the ancient texts?'; ‘are they still relevant?’; ‘what are they trying to tell us?’