There’s a single-seater white झूला occupying the space in my house balcony (yes, my house has balconies. Not one but two! ). I have always loved the thought of having a झूला in a balcony or a veranda in a house. It has been one of my most desired things on the list of home décor, or essentials, actually. This झूला bought on amazon made with wood and the white rope is very special to me; it’s like what I would call “my space”. I can sit on it for hours together doing things that like (reading, surfing, chatting, listening to music) or just not doing anything. Simply staring at the horizon. Mostly, I sit on it thinking of everything that is possible – the past, present, and future. It is very relaxing and calming, you see, just sitting there with a cup of morning tea or evening coffee.
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