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Dealing With Stubborn People

It's difficult no matter what you do, at times, it gets more difficult. You get up in the morning loathing to run pass the mountain-like huge day ahead, and what after that? Another same day.

Every morning you try to begin a new day. You repeat to yourself that you gonna  stay optimistic, not get bothered by other's opinion, or hassled by what they are bitching about you, or not get bogged down by their nasty comments. You promise yourself, that today will be a new day, happy and stress-free (though, full of work). You command yourself that today you will do good work and important ones too. 

And you do all the possible things to let the positive aura surround you. It sure does.

But then, how do deal with stubborn people who you cannot avoid. These people have something against you, for unknown reasons. These are the people who like to put you down, because they can't do anything good themselves to rise high. Perhaps they feel you are an easy target and smirkingly binge on your naivety. Perhaps, these pessimist are not satisfied with back bitching and enjoy some sadistic pleasures in talking bad about you. Most of these things you will never know of course, so don't really have to worry about it, right?

Or should you?

What if such stubborn, arrogant, sadist people are good influencers? What if they know how to make themselves look good by making you look bad?

What if you suddenly feel some difference in others' behaviour too? Is it possible that the stubborn and clever people have manipulated others too? Is there any gurantee that others will have the sensibility to analyse on their own and believe their experience rather than blindly following those who bitch?

So how do you deal with such sitiations? How do you deal with such stubborn people?

Either you take your stand, fight for your rights and ensure  you are not manipulated...Well you will take some good time to comprehend that.

Or learn and become like them and tackle them. By doing this, you might carry forward that legacy you once deterred; you will eventually become what you will give to others what you never wanted ti receive from anyone...

And after couple of years somebody else will be writing a post like this one on you.... because you would have successfully and very effectively retained a spoiled and very much prevailing culture......

The person who by now has been affected by this behaviour, will seek answers to one of the most prehistoric and evident and painful questions...'So how do you deal with stubborn people......???'


  1. I have come across such people and sadly these people have many masks in life to thrive.

    1. Hmmmm, such is life. you have to learn to deal with it :)


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