So, are you a good person or a nice person? It’s not always good to be nice, you know. Sometimes it’s okay to be ‘just you’. We often end up mixing the two attributes - good and nice – assuming them to be the same. But there is a vast difference between the two. What is the difference, you ask? Or is it just that I am going bonkers? Well, by definition … · A nice person is someone who is pleasant to be around, has good manners, and is cheerful; · A good person on the other hand, is someone who is honest, helpful, and morally good. A person who has generally been good tends to be nice to others, most of the time. However, the question is: should they be nice to people, even if they don’t want to? Would people consider them as ‘good’ if they are not nice any longer? The Burden of Being Nice Here’s what I think: you might be a good person, who doesn’t want to intenti...
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