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Showing posts from April, 2022

Have You Ever Faced Creative Block?

 Have you ever faced writer’s block? I am sure most of us have. Not just limited to writing, but this ‘block’ troubles everyone irrespective of field, interest, and profession, at some point in life.  You could be a writer, painter, photographer, singer, film-maker, crafter, content creator, working in any profession, or just a simple human, who can think, you have certainly faced this block at one or the other point in your life. How do you overcome it? What do you do to let this block go or disappear? Do you read, write, watch your favorite shows, just talk about it to peers; or keep your work aside and focus on something else. Well, to me it feels as if this writer’s block has been consistent with me forever now. Alright, there are a few phases, when I am able to put down my thoughts on paper (and then key it in the system) and sometimes, even record them for my podcast. But I miss those days when I used to think and write so fluently that I would surprise myself. It has be...

All About Deceit And Determination

Harsha, authored by Rajat Pillai, and published by Jaico Books, is an action-packed thriller loaded with suspense, detailed narration, and an engaging plot. The story is about a 17-year old prince relying on his competent elder brother to reign the kingdom and live his life happily ever after. But such was the turn of events that all his plans fall flat, and destiny takes him to a different path. In a snap, he loses his family and a lot more. The author has very intriguingly developed the story around politics, which stuns the readers. Despite all the difficulties, Harsha keeps moving ahead to save his sister and his kingdom. Though less experienced, he was highly motivated.