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Showing posts from November, 2017

Of A Journey Towards Transformation (Book Review)

Book: Second Chance   Author: Dr. Sandeep Jatwa Publication: Educreation So, what would you do if you got a ‘second chance?’ We all have committed at least one such mistake in life that makes us wish for a second chance, a second chance to perhaps relive that moment, a second chance to perhaps revisit that event and a second chance to rectify that mistake. The blurb is pretty self-explanatory and it is like, you get what you see, no less, no more. The concept is not something new or unexplored, but for a debut author Dr. Sandeep Jatwa has neatly carved out the story around the theme.

Captivating Corporate Thriller (Book Review)

Book: 8 Hours Author: Upendra Namburi Publication: Westland Books Trust, as they say, is an expensive souvenir, you shouldn’t give it to everyone... Going by the title ‘8 Hours’, and the blurb, one would think the book is a fast-paced thriller, well, I wouldn’t call it so. The story progresses at a relatively normal pace, educating the readers on the detailed background of the event and briefing on the past of the characters, well that’s much required, isn’t it? The most prominent character in this book is an inevitable device – mobile phone. Yess! The author Upendra Namburi would have mentioned about 80,000 calls in the 8 hours (not literally, com ’on, I did try counting it, but lost the track :P)