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Showing posts from December, 2016

Of Personal Space And Accepting Oneself (Book Review)

Image Source Book: My Space My Body – starring Taka Dimi Author: Roopa Pai Illustrator: Archana Sreenivasan Publisher: Fitkids Education and Training Pvt Ltd For: Children above 3 years Books for children is an important responsibility; not just for the publishers and authors, but also for the parents and teachers. It is essential that the books we share with our children should not just be informative and engaging but also educational. My Space My Body (MSMB) is an interesting blend of all the above elements.

The Peshwa – Flawless Narration And Amazing Storytelling (Book Review)

Book : The Peshwa:  The Lion and  The Stallion Author : Ram Sivsankaran Publication :  Westland If this is the debut book, I have to admit, it doesn’t read like one. The book is an amazing read. Where was he all these years with this amazing story telling talent?  The book is based on the life of Bajirao Bhat, his learnings, his fights, his experiments, his love and his relationships with his father, wife, his loyal subordinates, et al.  So, here’s what I liked about the book. The cover is extremely fascinating and intriguing. The narration is flawless and so is the characterisation. You can actually picture the person or the scene or the event that is taking place, as it is being described by the author.