Harsha, authored by Rajat Pillai, and published by Jaico Books, is an action-packed thriller loaded with suspense, detailed narration, and an engaging plot.
The story is about a
17-year old prince relying on his competent elder brother to reign the kingdom
and live his life happily ever after. But such was the turn of events that all
his plans fall flat, and destiny takes him to a different path.
In a snap, he loses
his family and a lot more. The author has very intriguingly developed the story
around politics, which stuns the readers. Despite all the difficulties, Harsha
keeps moving ahead to save his sister and his kingdom. Though less experienced,
he was highly motivated.
The plot is full of
many turns and twists; while you might be able to guess a few, others will
shock you; and, therefore, keep you engaged. Some of the instances in the book
are so cruel and brutal that they might make you shudder.
Overall, the
narration, flow of the story, and writing are really good to keep readers
vested in the book. Scenes of forests and battlefields, among others, are
clearly and neatly described. The cover image is intriguing as well.
Another interesting
fact, it is loosely based on the part of history – King Harshvardhan.
Go ahead and pick
this book if you enjoy dwelling in the world of kings & princes, courage
and determination, faith & deceit, and finally, good storytelling.
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