What Are Your Superpowers?

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Yes, you heard that right? What are your superpowers? Now don’t think of Iron man, or Wolverine, or Thor and Jean Grey. I am asking about the real-life superpowers that exist very much in common people like you and me. Got you thinking, right?


Let me clarify with an example. बचपन में मैंने काई बार माँ को बिना चिमटे के stove पर रोटी फूलाते देखा था. मुझे लगता था she is fire-proof… Hahaha. But as I grew up, I realized her superpower is not being fire-proof, but the warmth that exudes from her. Every day when I used to reach home in the evening after a long day of work and travel, she would open the door for me and welcome me home with her warm and comforting smile. मेरा सारा stress दरवाजे के बहार ही निकल जाता था.


Happens right, some people have that effect on you and you too have such an effect on others. Now that is what I would call a Superpower’.     

The superpowers I am talking about are not about controlling one’s mind but helping someone feel comfortable around you; it is not about hypnotizing and managing someone’s actions but making someone feel happy and powerful enough to achieve their dreams.


I will try to put it in better words.


You would have received compliments that ‘your voice is very soothing’, ‘you are my problem solver’, ‘you understand me as no one else does', so isn’t that your superpower? A superpower that I am referring t is nothing but a skill, or behavior, or nature that positively impacts people around you. 


And let me tell you everyone has it. everyone has at least one such skill that makes people happier. It could be presence, words, voice, writing, understanding, consideration, sympathy, patience, convincing power, thoughtfulness, empathy, listening (not just hearing), and a lot more. Please do not think of these qualities or traits as mere behavior; these have the power to heal, which I believe is most required in today’s world.


Another example that I can share is about Varun (my husband) he patiently listens to me, even when he doesn’t know what to say…. Listens to everything that I have running on my mind, and that makes me accept my true self – my good, bad, ugly, and best self. I think that is his superpower, listening to people without judging, he is awesome (okay fine I will not get started about him, नहीं तो ये podcast/ blog 2 घंटे तक भी खतम नहीं होगा :P ) 


Well, recently my mom told me “तुम मेरे बिना बोले ही मेरी मन की बात समज जाती हो”… that I said, “is my superpower” :D  


So what is your superpower? बताओ मुझे, I am eager to listen to you😊 

