Unfulfilled Desires (Book Review)

Book: Unfulfilled Desires Kindle Edition

Author: Rachi

Publication: Half Baked Beans

One look at the cover and you know that this book is about love story and romance; and you won’t be disappointed by picking up the book for that reason. The plot revolves around different colours of love, in this book Unfulfilled Desires authored by Rachi and published by Half Baked Beans (HBB). 

The protagonist Avantika is reluctant to get into a relationship because of her scepticism in the same. she witnessed a tragic incident in her college days and hence she could not commit to anyone into a relationship. Walks in not 1 or 2 but 3 men who are potential partners for Avantika. However, her quest for understanding ‘what is love’ continues. The three men have different answers to her question ‘what is love for you?’ none of them seems to convince Avantika.

Enters Sanvit, very different from Avantika, but as they say, opposites attract. There begins another story. Will they end up being together or not, and how is something you need to read the book and find out.

The story highlights believing in love and finding the right person. It’s like a journey of love that encapsulates love, hate, trust, betrayal, care, worry, euphoric, you name it.  

I liked how the story begins – the hook. It indeed is. The climax of the story is again I didn’t see that coming. The story is simple, and the characters are well fleshed out.  

The grammatical errors and editing which weren’t up to the mark were a big put off for me. This was in addition to some questions left answered.

My ratings: 3 out of 5.

I received a review copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
