Interesting Insights about Ghostwriting (Book Review)

Book: The Secret of Ghostwriting (Kindle Edition)

Series: Volume 3 of Writer’s Toolkit

Author: D.R Downer

Publication: The Book Club

The subject of Ghostwriting is a quite intriguing for many of us. So, here’s the book that aims at answering all your possible questions on the subject. The author D.R. Downer, who himself is an experienced ghostwriter (and well that’s his pseudonym) has attempted to answer all the possible queries, including do’s and don’ts that one can think of.

Ghostwriting is a sad but prevalent fact in the writing industry. In the book, the author has referred to Ghost-writing to surrogacy and a ghost-writer to surrogate mother.  This is with reference to the emotions attached to one’s writing.

He has thoughtfully jotted down the why’s and how’s of the ghostwriting; the nitty-gritties and industry insights as well.  If you have ever considered ghostwriting as a career option, this is the book you need to flip through.

This is a 20-minuter and a short read. No harm in knowing about the insider details of the industry that gives you your world of dreams.

I would rate this book 3 out of 5.
