Of Romance And Suspense (Book Review)

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Book: The Royal Roommate (Kindle edition)
Author: PG Van

Life is unpredictable. We plan many things but not everything happens as planned. Infact, most of the times life has surprises in store for us. The key is to play along and play it well.

This is what you will find the protagonist -Amy doing in this book. Accepting the twists and turns life throws at her and running along with the stride. This the first book of PG Van that I have had a chance to read, and hence I didn’t have any set expectations. Good! 

The story is about Amy, a young intern with a law firm (oh that just doesn’t matter). Turns out her new roommate has been replaced by an irresistible, sexy, tall and handsome hunk - Sid (now that’s what is important, right). There begins a love and hate – push and pull kind of chemistry between the two. Needless to mention, lust and love (in that order) blooms in the room. Interestingly, Sid is a spy and Amy is his suspect. However, from suspecting Amy to protecting her, Sid has a difficult journey to make, fighting the rebel group and his inner emotions.

The book transforms itself from a mills and boons to a fairy tale romance to a spy thriller and the twists will just amaze you. The author’s thought process and the story building is really noteworthy. The narration weaves the different genres effortlessly.  
The climax though unpredictable, is neither as exciting as the build-up nor convincing enough. I hate to say, the end of the story was a little disappointing

My take-away from this book: Life will give you many surprises and shocks; you will be put in situations you would not know how to react, that’s when you need to act and act right.

My rating: 3 Stars

I received a review copy of the book from The Book Club in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. 
